Sunday, November 8, 2009

BP #7 20091107_Peer_Response_Web2.0_Tool_BlogPost

Jesus and Cristina both had a Flickr lesson posted that I really enjoyed reading as I also plan to start using Flickr in my lessons. As I commented on Cristina's blog, I have several students that already have Flickr accounts and I had been in the process of viewing their posts when we were instructed to set up a Flickr account of our own.
Using a tool like Flickr will allow my students to store a great deal more work (images) in their new Flickr account than they would on their 'student folder' provided by our school district. Having others give a thumbs up on a tool is reassuring when there are so many tools available. Using iGoogle as our PLE helps, as with district filters many sites are blocked, entering through iGoggle gets around many of the blocks. These tools will help our teaching, our students advance forward when the establishment is reluctant to let go of the reins.

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