Sunday, November 15, 2009

BP_20091115_NewWeb2.0_tool_post is a web 2.0 tool for art students or graphic design students. This tools takes two images and will morph them together. The application then has various tools that allow for manipulation of the morphed design, giving numerious outcomes for the possible design.

How one could use this in the classroom would be as a tool for a lesson on Logo Design. Students could use the images, shapes, icons or symbols available on the application or they could import new images to work with for their design. This lesson could be organized as small group or individually developed projects.
The small group approach would promote collaborative learning concepts and citizenship in the classroom. This lesson would extend beyond just that of design development, but socialization skills and teamwork. Concepts traditionally thought to be fostered in athletics. This lesson would also use technology applications that would foster skills the 21st century learner needs to be productive in our future society.


Rosie said...

This tool is really neat and similar (but not exactly) to the tool Lori blogged about. I believe students would enjoy manipulating the images and seeing the results of their combinations. I like that you pointed out the ability to assign projects with this tool in small groups.

cmykrgb said...

Mutapic is a very descriptive name in that this tool Mutates Pictures! YIKES! I think this tool could be a fun way to generate a visual mash-up of combined images, and a good randomized concept generator that can trigger design ideas to explore further.

I can see Mutapic being used illustrate both similarities and differences in the source pictures, and start discussions about how the ways that images are combined can change the meaning and impact of the result.